Education is a process of learning and transformation of a student. MITS is always dedicated to the holistic development of the learners. The internal and external challenges of our younger generation are to be resolved in order to empower them properly. For this a close assessment and a warm interaction with the individual students is mandatory. The counselling centre is functioning in the college under the guidance of a professional Psychologist.
The purpose of clinical counseling is that students can freely and confidentially express their academic, emotional and personal pressures and concerns to a professional who can help them effectively.
The major objective of the counseling center is to facilitate the Academic, Emotional, Social and cognitive development of the students hence to empower them in their learning and personal development.
Other than students, parents, and teachers are also getting the benefits from the counsellor in order to pave a path to the students inside the campus and in their homes. Evening sessions are mainly conducting for Hostel inmates who are away from their own homes.