Sometimes, we think problems are like a big web-net and we feel so much entangled into it, that we assume there is no solution and its impossible to come out of that particular problem.
We need to remember that we are bigger than problems..problems are not bigger than us..
Firstly define a problem however small or big it is. We need to see the problem as it is.
List down solutions for this particular problem.
Find out which is the most easily achievable option from the above list.
Try to implement this easy solution which we have selected.
Appreciate yourself for acting out on solution.
Try to be persistent in solving problem.
For Example, want to start morning walk but unable to do it due to laziness or habit of procrastination.
Make a list of solutions which can make me wake up early in morning. Need to jot down things which are easily achievable so that it will keep me motivated or else I might lose interest. This list can be:
1) wake up half hour early in morning than the regular timing
2) avoid late sleeping
3) find a company for walk
4) No taking alcohol
5) Buy new sports shoes and headphones
Out of these solutions first option seems to be easy for me as I can manage to wake up half hour early than the usual timing. So Need to workout on things which can help me to wake up half hour early Eg. setting an alarm, telling family member or roommate to wake you up half an hour early.
If I am not feeling going out for walk then walk at home but try to implement it.
Say yourself that beginning is half victory. Just do it.
After walking for 10 mins appreciate yourself. Sometimes mind starts talking negative with yourself that what I will achieve by walking just for 10 minutes. Then I have to tell myself that everyday I sleep at this time. I appreciate myself that I chose to wake up and did 10 mins walking and tomorrow I will plan to walk for 15 mins. Something is better than nothing. I am happy that I did it.
Here I have shifted my mind from routine negative mindset to positive mindset.
I have shifted focus from problem to solution.
I did positive affirmation and focused on self appreciation for my efforts.
I divided the task into smaller task. rather than one hour walk on day one i opted for 10 mins walk which is easily achievable. So dividing big tasks into smaller tasks is easy to implement.
Once this is achieved then we can shift to other option from above list to maintain persistence and bringing variations in our task. For Example, I can sleep half hour early at night or motivating mom for walk etc.. Try to keep consistency by bringing small and simple changes in routine.
While implementing these strategies I have to remember that I have to keep company of positive and encouraging people who will help in my problem solving plan.
Share your problems with trustworthy person and not to the person who will just show sympathy in front of you but later on will make gossip out of it; listen to your inner voice.. you know who such people are.
Keep focus on solution rather than problem. By keeping focus on problem you just magnify it.
Remember there is always a solution to each and every problem. Irony is our own mind do not want to see a solution.
So discipline and training to mind is mandatory. writing down above list and working on it is good example of training mind for something good.
Taking alcohol, smoking, cannabis or taking drugs is not solution to your problem. It is just wrong coping towards problem.
We need to be patient ..give time to yourself to come to some good focus on actions rather than result.
If you find no way to a problem, everything is like a dark light and there is no way then it will be better to seek professional help..